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Friday, April 8, 2011


SOME of you may think sex is a natural ability that do not need to be studied. We are not not agree with these opinions, but for Woman, sex remains to be learned to achieve pleasure and to avoid 'accidents'.

Especially you with the status of a beginner. Sex can be so horrible for beginners, especially women. Taste excited, scared sick, certainly never there. So what to do? Read these tips ...

BRIPTU.NORMAN "Polisi Gorontalo"

Briptu Norman Beraksi di Bukan Empat Mata

Update terakhir Jum, 8 Apr 2011
Briptu Norman Kamaru, si polisi yang jago bernyanyi dan bergoyang India, diundang Tukul ke studio TransTV untuk tampil di acara Bukan Empat Mata bersama penyanyi dangdut ternama, Iis Dahlia.

Opera Mini and 100 Million User

Defanie Arianti - Okezone
Pengguna Opera Mini kini mencapai angka 100 juta
OSLO-Opera Software announced that Opera Mini browser successfully reach 100 million users in March 2011. Similarly, the Opera Software's official statement on Friday (04/08/2011).

Two months ago, Opera also announced the achievement of 100 million users, which is a combination of two flagship browser, Opera Mini and Opera Mobile. But now Opera Mini alone had skyrocketed to number 100 million users.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Teleskop Radio Terbesar Akan Dipasang di Inggris

Teleskop radio

Teleskop radio
WASHINGTON - Sudah resmi, teleskop radio terbesar di dunia akan dipasang di Jodrell Bank Observatory, dekat Manchester, Inggris.

Square Kilometre Array (SKA), adalah sebuah proyek sains multinasional seharga 1,5 miliar Euro. Teleskop radio tersebut akan menjawab pertanyaan mendasar mengenai alam semesta. Demikian seperti yang dikutip dari New Kerala, Senin (4/4/2011).

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